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“Lijiang”Trademark won the famous trademark

A trademark is a product that is used by the producer or operator of a commodity on the goods it produces, manufactures, processes, selects, or distributes, or the provider of the service, which is a symbol of the source of the goods or services of the manufacturer. Words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional signs, sounds, color combinations, or combinations of these elements are products of the modern economy. A trademark that has been approved for registration by the state is a “registered trademark” and is protected by law. Trademarks protect trademark registrants by ensuring that trademark registrants have exclusive rights to identify goods or services, or to license others for remuneration.

After the factory was built in 1928, it was not until 1955 that the products and services were not trademarked.

In 1956, the National Bureau of Automobiles of the Ministry of Machinery and Regulations stipulated that all products used in the production of auto parts manufacturers should use the diamond-shaped (including the uniform diamond-shaped size ratio) trademark, and the difference between the trademarks of the manufacturers is in the factory name. The QI "Lijiang" brand trademark was born. "Lijiang" trademarkThe word is art simplification. According to the uniform design of the Ministry of Machines, the words “Lijiang” should be filled in, but there are too many strokes in the “QI”, and the stamp is difficult to do. At this time, the country is implementing the first simplified words, so It became the word "QI" on the current pattern.

In 1966, the Hongyan GQ-261 heavy-duty off-road vehicle was trial-produced, and the trademark of the tooth decay product was changed to the “Hongyan” brand diamond trademark.

In January 1972, the "Hongyan" brand diamond logo was changed to the "QJ" trademark. Products that use the "Red Rock" or "QJ" trademark are rejected. Said that this is the product, we only believe in "Lijiang".

In 1979, the dental caries recovered the “Yujiang” brand diamond-shaped trademark that was launched in 1956, and registered the “Yijiang” brand trademark with the state. The term of use of the trademark is ten years. Since then, the “Yijiang” brand trademark has been renewed and registered in accordance with national regulations until 2020.

Chongqing Hanjiang Gear Transmission Co., Ltd.